Bayford War Memorial

The inscriptions on the plaques are as follows:

Near this church and hallowed ground is placed a cross of stone in grateful and devout remembrence of the brave men from the parishes of Bayford and Brickendon Rural who in the great war of 1914 - 1919 gave their lives for King and country and saved our peaceful homes from cruel invasion. They returned not to us but their names are inscribed to be honoured for evermore.
Adsett Henry, Corpl K R Rif C Allen, Aubrey, Pnr Sergt C Gds
Allum, Joseph, Pte Bedf R Catling, Charles O, Lce Corpl Bedf R
Childs, Christopher, Pte Dll Childs, Frederick, Pte Tank C
Clinton-Baker, Osbert, Lt Col R Ir Rif Fenn, James, Pte Bedf R
Fletcher, James, Lce Corpl Essex R Green, Alexander, Trooper, Scots Greys
Gutteridge, Herbert, J Boy Rn Livingstone, Frank D, Capt Rasc
Mackintosh, Edwin, Lt Black Watch Meech, Benjamin, Pte Bedf R
Meech, Charles, Lce Corpl S Wales Bord Newman, George, Lce Corpl 9th Leers
Oakley, Albert C, Pte Bedf R Preece, Henry G, Pte Devon R
Rogers, Charles J, Gnr Ra Saville, Thomas, Pte Bedf R
Scripps, Frederick, Pte Rasc Sedge, Harry, Pte Dorset R
Smith, Hubert, Pte Bedf R Swain, George, Pte Can Cyclist Corps
Tharby, James W Pte Bedf R Trotter, Colin L, Lt KAR
Trotter, Kenneth S, 2nd Lt Rif Brig Vidal, Lancelot A, 2nd Lt Oxf & Bucks Li
Warwick, Arthur, Pte G Gds

Let those who come after see to it that their names are not forgotten

In grateful rememberance of the men from this parish who gave their lives during the war of 1939 - 1945

Denys Hugh Brown, Ac2 Royal Air Force
Robert Michael Drake, Lt Grenadier Guards
George John Fry, Sergt Royal Artillery
William George Taylor, Pte Sherwood Foresters