Parish Council Meeting
Bayford JMI School. 21st November 2011.
Michael Wainwright (Chairman), Alan Fitzjohn, Bob Orme, Jane Honeyman, George William Rowley, Maggie Broomer (Clerk), Councillor Linda Haysey and 4 members of the public.
- Minutes of the previous meeting
- Minutes of the previous meeting were read, signed and agreed by all the councillors. Noted
- Matters Arising
- The new notice board has now been delivered to David Latham and an invoice has been received from the joiner. Noted/MB
- No further news from Dawn Grocock re the new bridleway parallel to Ashendene Road. Noted
- The brambles need to be cut back and the willow tree needs pruning around the pond at Willow Corner MW and BO to do. MW/BO/Noted
- EHDC have been notified again re the excess gravel on the bend at the bottom of Bayford Lane and a road sweeper is to be arranged to sweep this area. Noted
- Parking and Vandalism at Bayford Station
- There were 2 representatives from Brickendon attending this meeting one of the parish councillors and the villages neighbour watch co-ordinator with the intention of highlighting this problem. Two months ago a parishioner brought to the attention of Brickendon Parish Council the situation where there had been 5 break-ins to cars parked at the station.
- NCP and First Capital Connect were informed but neither would accept liability. Problems like this have occurred since the station became unmanned. In this area it is one of the worst stations for crimes against cars. It was discussed that CCTV is needed as a deterrent. All break-ins need to be reported to the police so that an incident number is obtained.
- MW is to highlight the station problems in the next parish magazine. Further discussions to take place at the next meeting of Brickendon Parish Council. Noted/MW
- Planning
- Grain store Place Farm- Bayford Green prior approval is required and hereby granted.
- Replacement garage and garden store Ashendene White Stubbs Lane status ongoing.
- Removal of onerous condition relating to the external materials of construction to allow landscaping along front elevation retrospective Riverside Garden Centre status ongoing.
- First floor rear extension and erection of rear conservatory and listed building consent - 26 Ashendene Road status ongoing.
- Full permission for demolition of existing buildings and subsequent development Bayfordbury Campus status ongoing.
- Single storey side and rear extension and internal alterations 33 Bayford Green grant permission.
- To approve amended plans showing an increase to the extension of 0.35m 2 Tudor Farm Cottages grant permission.
- Erection of stockproof post and rail fencing, barbed wire fencing and scalpings and dropped curb at entrance ( 2 applications with amended drawings) Land adjacent to Lower Hatfield Road status ongoing. It was queried at the meeting why dropped curbs were needed as this appeared to be inappropriate for a farming field. LH and MW to follow this up with Susie Defoe a planning officer at EHDC.
- Finance
- Payments since 19.09.11
- Bill Brace - £19.14
- Bayford Memorial Hall - £500.00
- BDO - £60.00
- John OConnor - £1657.90
- Balances at 31.10.11
- Current account stands at £6344.85
- Charity account - £2775.68
- Business Saver Account - £828.31
- The Issues Arising Report from BDO was read out and the following comments noted:- Noted
- BDOs Practitioners Guide states that fixed assets should be disclosed at the purchase cost. Any changes going forward s hould be due solely to purchases or disposals. There is no requirement to adjust for depreciation. Noted
- Charity transactions must not be included in the annual return. It is a separate entity and must have independent meetings, agendas and minutes to the main accounts. Noted
- A risk assessment must be undertaken each year, during the financial year in question and minuted as approved by the councillors Noted
- The balances held by the council appear high compared to expenditure made during the year. Noted
- Section 1 of the Annual Return does not add up by £1.00. Noted
- The level of the Fidelity Guarantee cover still appears insufficient in light of the bank balances held at 31st March 2011. Noted
- Meetings of the Parish Council are not allowed to take place in a public house. Noted
- It was decided not to increase the precept payment in light of the balances in the accounts and it was set again at £4100.00. Noted/MB
- Any Other Business
- Winter Road Salting- the review has not resulted in a change of status for Bayford. Ashendene Road/ Station Road remains on the red route regular gritting and Bayford Lane on the blue route gritting only after all the red routes which usually means not at all. Noted
- Localism Bill neighbourhood plan requirements are not yet confirmed. There are 2 LDF seminars shortly one in November and one in December which LH said would be beneficial for a representative of the council to attend. A joint meeting with Brickendon Parish Council would be advantageous. Noted
- The bus shelter roof is still leaking. Noted
- The damage to the Rose Triangle from large lorries has been reported to EHDC but they have stated that the location is not suitable for kerbs of bollards. Noted
- The drains in Bayford Lane need clearing MW to report this and LH suggested a meeting with Mr Yucelp of the Highways Dept. Noted
- Councillor Bryan Hammond has an amount of money to be allocated to roads in his area, it was suggested speaking to him. Noted
- The war memorial needs renovating. Noted
- GWR has sent an e-mail re upgrading broadband to the village but as yet no reponse. Noted
- Water Hall meeting - submitted plan yet to be published although 2 cells are planned at the back of Broad Green. Noted
- Date and Time of Next Meeting
- Next Parish Council Meeting has yet to be confirmed. MW to e-mail possible dates to councillors.
- There being no further business the meeting ended at 9.40pm