Parish Council Meeting
Bayford JMI School 19th September 2011
Present: Michael Wainwright (Chairman), Alan Fitzjohn, Bob Orme, Jane Honeyman, George William Rowley, Maggie Broomer (Clerk) and 4 members of the public.
- Minutes of the previous meeting
- Minutes of the previous meeting were read, signed and agreed by all the councillors. Noted
- Matters Arising
- Padlock on football field is now in place. Noted
- A notice on the playground is now displayed stating ‘No Dogs Allowed’ Noted
- The brambles need to be cut back and the willow tree needs pruning around the pond at Willow Corner – MW and BO to do. There is also an ongoing problem with the outfall pipe - this is the responsibility of EHDC. MW/BO/Noted
- After the last meeting David Latham has contacted a local joiner who is currently making a new wood notice board to go on the side of the bus shelter. The cost of this will be approx. £650. Noted
- Planning
- Two storey side extension – 2 Tudor Manor Farm Cottages, White Stubbs Lane – Grant permission
- Part 1st floor front extension -1c Broad Green Wood – Grant permission.
- Variation of condition 9 (Accomodation shall be restricted to a maximum stay of 3 mths within any 12 mth period – Bayford Hall Farm – Grant permission.
- Prior notification – Agriculture for grain store – Place Farm- Bayford Green – status ongoing.
- Full permission for demolition of existing buildings and subsequent development – Bayfordbury Campus – status ongoing.
- Single storey side and rear extension – 33 Bayford Green – status ongoing.
- To approve amended plans showing an increase to the extension of 0.35m – 2 Tudor Farm Cottages – status ongoing.
- Diane Cook brought to the councillors attention her concerns re the sewage outfall from Riverside Garden Centre. This discharges into Bayford Brook at its junction with the River Lee. She was also concerned about the proposed development at Bayfordbury and the necessary extra sewage. It was subsequently discovered that the sewage outfall from the proposed development will not discharge into the brook.
Mrs Cook invited councillors to view the area at their convenience. Noted
- It was also felt that the new idea of plans by e-mail was not entirely satisfactory. In future all councillors are to reply by e-mail to all plans with their comments even if ‘ok’ is the answer. All councillors plus the clerk are to be copied in. Noted
- Finance
- At 31 July 2011 the current account balance was £6,678.20 Noted
- BDO Audit was completed and sent off at the beginning of July. Noted
- BDO subsequently raised three issues namely:
- BDO’s Practitioners Guide states that fixed assets should be disclosed at the purchase cost. Any changes going forward should be due solely to purchases or disposals. There is no requirement to adjust for depreciation. Noted
- Charity transactions must not be included in the annual return Noted
- A risk assessment must be undertaken each year, during the financial year in question and minuted as approved by the councillors Noted
- With respect to item 1 above, discussions took place with BDO and they have advised that each asset, where the value cannot be properly valued at original purchase cost, should be entered at £1.00. Accordingly, the war memorial, grass verges, recreation ground and the green at Bayford Green have each been given a nominal value of £1.00. The Memorial Hall and Cricket Pavilion should be valued at the 2010 insurance value of £241,919 and £160,000 respectively. Noted
- With respect to item 2 above, the accounts have been revised to exclude both the asset and any transactions of the charity account. The revised accounts have been submitted and approved by BDO. The charity accounts will now be prepared separately but are not subject to audit. The details of the Charity account will be submitted to the Charity Commission as in previous years. Noted
- With respect to item 3 above, the risk assessment for the financial year ended 31st March 2011 was not minuted as such. Accordingly, the annual return will receive a qualified audit opinion. It will be necessary to ensure that in future years a risk assessment not only should be undertaken at the beginning of each financial year but also must be recorded as such in the minutes to provide the necessary evidence. It should also be ratified as part of the review undertaken by the internal auditor. Noted
- MB to ring John O’Connor (grass cutting) re the absence of any invoices this year. MB
- It was agreed by all councillors to send a £500 .00 donation to Bayford Memorial Hall in view of the extensive repairs and changes required and help with the fees as the Pre School have started there this term Noted/MB
- A new form from Barclays Bank needing signatures was circulated to all councillors during the meeting for the bank’s records. Noted
- An invoice from Bill Brace for teak oil to renovate the village seats was presented for payment. MW thanked BB for his time and help. Noted/MB
- Payments since 26.06.11
- St Albans Diocesan Board invoice £75.00
- Paul Curson £97.54 + £146.31
- Any Other Business
- No further news from Dawn Grocock re the proposed bridlepath alongside Ashendene Road. Noted
- The excess of gravel on the road at the bottom of Bayford Lane has been reported again. L. Haysey suggested speaking to David Andrew councillor EHDC. Noted
- The gypsies are still at Birch Green but the area is being well policed. It was suggested that any info re movement or sale of relevant land to let BAG (David Sitwell) know. The rough piece of land on the B158 near the viaduct is owned by the Holwell Lane site but Harlow gypsies have their horses grazing on it. Noted
- JH was asking who owned the woods bordering the cricket pitch on the north side and whether it was public land. It was thought to be owned by a doctor living in Newgate Street. Noted
- On 27th Sept. there is a liason meeting for the Water Hall Group at County Hall – GWR to attend on behalf of BPC. Noted
- Bill Brace reported that the bus shelter has a leaky roof due to someone moving roof tiles. Noted
- Drinks at Linda Haysey’s on Wednesday 5th October at 7pm all councillors invited. Please rsvp if attending. Noted
- Hertfordshire Waste Core Strategy and Development Management Policies Document – this is now subject to independent examination – if you wish to attend pre-hearing meeting details provided.
- EHDC is preparing its Local Development Framework up to date details can be found on their website
- Letter from Oliver Heald our MP re Parish Councils having a chance to liaise with County Councils over funding for Superfast Broadband - contact details supplied.
- Hertford Town Council invite to multi-faith ‘Service of care and concern for the whole community’ on Sunday Oct 2nd at 3pm All Saints Church Hertford.
- Date and Time of Next Meeting
- Next Parish Council Meeting Monday 21st November 2011 at 8.00pm at Bayford School
- There being no further business the meeting ended at 9.10pm