Bayford JMI School 8pm, 22nd November 2010
Meeting of the Parish Council
Present: Michael Wainwright (Chairman), Alan Fitzjohn, Bob Orme, George William Rowley, Jackie Fulcher, Maggie Broomer (Clerk), Linda Haysey + 2 members of the public
Apologies: none
- 1.0 Minutes of the previous meeting.
- 1.1 Minutes read,agreed and signed. Noted.
- 2.0 Matters Arising.
- 2.1 AF now has erected the goalposts on the football field, he has also to get the chains for the gates. MW to get padlocks. AF/MW
- 2.2 EHDC have again swept Bayford Lane..The blocked drains in Bucks Alley and Bayford Lane have been reported for a second time to EHDC Highways Dept. There are now large potholes in Bayford Lane partly as a result of the increase in traffic when Brickendon Lane was closed, these need to be reported by several members of the public. Details on EHDC website or in the parish magazine.
- 3.0 Planning.
- 3.1 Riverside Garden Centre erection of a close boarded fencing and planter with roof extension to rear (retrospective) status ongoing
Calves Grove Wood unauthorised change of use of land for residential purposes and siting of caravans for residential purposes permission has been granted for 1 permanent caravan for residential purposes and 1 caravan for agricultural and forestry usage, otherwise the appeal is dismissed.
58 Bayford Green single storey rear extension status ongoing
1C Broad Green Wood rear outbuilding ( shed, workshop,garage) retrospective status ongoing. Noted.
- 4.0 Finance
- 4.1 The balance in the bank accounts was as follows:
Current account - £6,599.45
HIBA account - £827.91
Charity account - £2773.93 (unchanged) Noted.
- 4.2 Since last meeting payments were made to: -
Paul Curson litter picking Oct/Nov - £97.54
Grass Cutting for Sept. - £257.68
EHDC Playground Inspection - £52.75
BDO - £141.00
Joy Hargreaves (wreath) - £16.50 it was decided to increase this to £20.00 next year as a donation instead. Noted.
- 5.0 LDF Consultation.
- 5.1 MW reported back to the councillors following the public meeting in Brickendon Village hall in October as a result of the governments plans for a significant number of new affordable houses needing to be built in Hertfordshire.
Chapter 1
There were 5 objectives listed - these all seem acceptable and MW to fill in the relevant questionnaire.
Chapter 2
The main item was Options A-F for possible sites for the new homes:-
Option A - towns
Option B towns and larger service villages
Option C All of B + smaller service villages ( inc. Bayford)
Option D All of C + other villages and hamlets
Option E Towns W.G.C. and Stevenage
Option F Settlements with transport corridors ( inc. Bayford)
Developments in villages like Bayford would increase the number of cars - not eco.friendly but however the station works against Bayford in Option F.
It was decided that Option A would be the 1st choice with the Option F being the last choice.
- 6.0 Parish Plan.
- 6.1 EHDC would give consideration to Bayford submitting a P.P. which is not in place at present, this would entail a meeting with all the organisations that meet in the village as they need to be consulted. MW hopes to arrange this for February 2011. Brickendon village has already submitted one.
- 7.0.
- Village Hall - re Pre School Group
- 7.1 It is proposed for the pre school group (PSG) to meet 4 mornings a week preferably in the village hall. Colin Taylor who has previous experience of setting this up is in charge to see oversee this being fulfilled. At present they meet in the school but this can only be 3 times a week in the afternoon. Under the new plan lunch club would also be possible. Lucy Chadwick from EHDC has been very helpful. PSG would fund any changes needed to meet regulations in the hall. External Funding/Business Plan is more likely to succeed for this type of venture. The timetable is to be in the hall by Sept 2011. A meeting with village hall committee is set for 17th Jan. 2011. The councillors give full support for this venture and it was proposed if successful to ask for a representative from the PSG to go on the village hall committee. Noted.
- 8.0 Any Other Business.
- 8.1 University Of Hertfordshire at Bayfordbury plans to relocate Herts and Middx Wildlife Trust and Groundwork to Bayfordbury- in principal it seems a good idea. Councillors were shown plans by Linda Haysey from a recent meeting. Extra traffic and the route to exit the area seem to be the main concerns of some of the residents who live there this needs to be addressed. Noted.
- 8.2 GWR reported that the new broadband speed for the village should be up and running by March 2011 this is largely due to the Motor Industry and GWR. It should be available to residents of the village after this date. Noted.
- 8.3 Terry Hayne complained about the number of large lorries using Bayford Lane there appears to be no straightforward solution. Noted.
- 8.4 In the spring there should be refurbishments taking place to the war memorial. MW to look into this. Noted/MW.
- 8.5 EHDC Transport and Parking Strategy a survey should have been delivered Noted to all householders in East Herts councils comments welcomed.
- 8.6 Hertfordshire Building Preservation Trust annual report and accounts have been received. Noted
- 8.7 EHDC New guide to council funding supporting projects that make a difference- i.e. Village hall given to JF- as a committee member of the village hall. Noted/JF.
- 8.8 EHDC form to be submitted re the precept payment for 2011/12 it was decided to leave it at the present amount of £4010.00. Noted/MB.
- 8.9 Herts Council right of way improvement plan, Bayford has now been entered on phase 2 deadline 30.01.11 Noted.
- 8.10 Herts Direct- consultation on proposed changes to the home to school transport policy for statutory school age pupils leaflet given to GWR. Noted.
- 8.11 EHDC a new document being drawn up detailing the revised list of local validation requirements for planning applications. Noted.
- 8.12 MB has asked for a new noticeboard on the bus shelter, this was agreed and MB to look into this. MB.
- 8.13 MB reported that new chevrons are currently being made for the sharp bend in Bayford Lane, due to ready in the next couple of months. Noted.
- 9.0Date and Time of Next Meeting.
- 9.1 Next meeting is to be on Monday 24th January 2011 at 8.00pm at Bayford JMI School.
- 9.2 There being no further business the meeting ended at 9.55pm.