Bayford JMI School 28th June 2010
Parish Council Meeting
Present: Michael Wainwright (Chairman), Alan Fitzjohn, Bob Orme, George William Rowley, Maggie Broomer (Clerk) + 2 members of the public
Apologies: Jackie Fulcher
- 1.0 Minutes of the previous meeting
- 1.1 Read, Item 4.2 should read internal not external otherwise all agreed and signed. Noted
- 2.0 Matters Arising
- 2.1 It was decided not to apply for any items from Bryan Hammonds Locality Budget this time. In the mean time AF has replaced the 2 gates around the football field and tightened up the wire fence, 2 goal posts need replacing cost of materials to be submitted and 2 new combination padlocks and chains needed. AF has erected the village sign on road to station in a new location.
- 2.2 The blocked drains in Bucks Alley and Bayford Lane are to be reported to EHDC Highways Dept again.
- 2.3 Bill Brace has painted the bus shelter great improvement, many thanks to him for doing this. It was noted that the new litter bin to the shelter is now in place. BB thanked MB for her prompt payment of his bills.
- 3.0 Planning
- 3.1 Tudor Manor, White Stubbs Lane erect 4 no. new loose boxes revised plans permission granted
- River Lodge, Lower Hatfield Road single storey rear extension ongoing
- Kingfisher Nursery change of use from nursery use to dog hydrotherapy clinic permission granted
- 36 Bayford Lane erection of single storey rear and side extensions and alterations to existing porch permission granted
- Riverside Garden Centre variation of Code 9 which states the use of the premises shall be restricted to the hours 08.00 23.00 Mon Sat and 10.00 22.00 Sun and bank hols, to read the restaurant shall not be open for business from 01.00 08.00 ongoing. Flood Risk assessment also submitted.
As regards the Garden Centre application there have been various e-mails sent to MW and in one Lorraine Arnold of Riverside requested to see the minutes of the meeting when the opening hours application was discussed. MW replied because of the infrequency of PC meetings and the tight deadline on replies to planning applications, these are discussed by circulating the application and inviting comments from the members the EHDC planning committee are due to meet on Wednesday 30th June it is unknown whether this latest application will be passed. After some discussion it was agreed by all Councillors that for opening hours to be extended until 1am would change the character of the site.
- 4.0 Finance
- 4.1 The interim accounts were presented to the councillors and were approved. The balance in the bank accounts was as follows:
Current account - £5,983.00
HIBA account - £827.00
Charity account - £2773.00
- 4.2 Since last meeting payments were made to: -
Paul Curson litter picking - £97.54
AON insurance - £633.71
Bill Brace painting materials for bus shelter - £54.48
Since last meeting payments were received from:-
Cricket Club rent- £30.00
EHDC litter picking - £609.53
- 4.3 The completed audit for BDO has now been prepared, to be checked by MW and sent recorded delivery this week.
- 4.4 An invoice has been received from St. Albans Diocesan Board of Finance - £75.00 to be paid
- 4.5 The first bill of the year from John OConner for grass cutting in April and May £515.36 to be paid
- 5.0 Any Other Business
- 5.1 A letter received from EHDC Non Core Strategy Issues Feedback Local Development Framework.
- 5.2 A letter received from EHDC re Parish Plan do we have one? Are we going to produce one? Or no intention of producing one? This was briefly discussed but no conclusion reached.
- 5.3 Annual Playground Inspection by EHDC at a cost of £44.89 + VAT to take place in the two weeks beginning 21st June 2010.
- 5.4 A new litter bin for the playground has been ordered. Noted
- 5.5 Grass Cutting there were a few complaints that the grasses were not cut in time for Gardens Day this year this was duly noted and will be sorted for Gardens Day 2012. More strimming is needed round the edges and particularly around the pond at Willow Corner. It was decided that MW would arrange a working party to tidy up this area and deal with the brambles in the playground.
- 5.6 Neighbourhood Watch Meeting 15th June 2010 15 members of the public attended, the new co-ordinators are Mike Wainwright, Neil Morris and Rodney Callaby between them the village should be covered.
- 5.7 Bill Brace stated that he has enough paint remaining to redecorate the bus shelter in the future.
- 5.8 Village Hall AGM there are now 5 members on the committee, it was commented that they lack support from the Parish Council. The village hall will be benefitting from Gardens Day with money for painting the outside.
- 5.9 Gardens Day 6th June 2010 congratulations to the village for successfully raising a gross £33,000. The £27,000, net after deducting expenses, to be split among designated charities and the village. A letter of congratulations and thanks to be sent to Charles Lambert for his organisation.
- 6.0 Date and Time of Next Meeting
- 6.1 Next meeting is to be on Monday 27th September 2010 at 8.00pm at Bayford JMI School.
6.2 There being no further business the meeting ended at 9.00pm
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