Bayford JMI School 10th May 2010
Annual Meeting of Parish Council
Present: Michael Wainwright (Chairman), Alan Fitzjohn, Bob Orme, Jackie Fulcher, Maggie Broomer (Clerk), and 1 member of the public
Apologies: L. Haysey, George Rowley
- 1.0 Election of Chairman
- 1.1 MW announced that he was willing to be re-elected for the following year.
AF proposed, and JF seconded. Elected. Noted
- 2.0 Minutes of the previous meetings 25th January and 26th April 2910
- 2.1 Read, all agreed and signed. Noted
- 3.0 Matters Arising
- 3.1 No movement on speed cameras public use no longer possible.
PCSOs can use cameras training in progress.
Mr Yucelt EHDC Highways has already stated that Bayford does not have enough points to have any traffic calming measures. Noted
- 3.2 Parish Assembly poor attendance from the public.
Neighbourhood watch could not be set up at the meeting. This is now scheduled for the 15th June a leaflet will be delivered to all residences in Bayford Hertford police to arrange this.
Karen Broads subsequent report submitted as a result of this meeting was discussed.
- 4.0 Finance
- 4.1 The yearly finance report was handed out to all the councillors.
This was approved and signed by the chairman.
- 4.2 BDO audit has now been returned by David Latham our external auditor his comments were :-
I enclose the accounts duly signed off. These are all in good order with all the back up documents available and correct. The systems are entirely satisfactory.
The audit will be available for public viewing from 7th June 2nd July 2010.
- 4.3 The insurance quote for the year from June 2010 has now been received from AON that have taken on the Local Council insurance from Allianz at a cost of £633.17, this is an increase of £16.00 from last year. We have also been approached by e-mail from Suffolk Acre Parish Council offering a free quote - however having e-mailed them with our details on 2nd May with as yet no response it was felt however that it would be appropriate to stay with AON as the yearly increase was negligible.
- 5.0 Planning
- 5.1 22- 24 Well Row extension to garden room grant permission.
Change of use from agricultural land to residential. Construction of childrens playhouse - refused
Mulberry Lodge conversion of existing b&b accommodation to single dwelling with new porch and chimney following permission refused now appeal overturned and passed at appeal
- 5 Bayfordbury Mansion single storey infill grant permission
- Tudor Manor White Stubbs Lane create grooms living accommodation. In roof space and erect 4 no. Loose boxes, hay store and tack room permission refused
- Erect 4 no. New loose boxes revised plans - ongoing
- The Vicarage construction of tennis court with fencing and change of use of existing paddock permission refused
- Place Farm, Bayford Green change of use of traditional farm building to dwelling restricted for the occupation of an agricultural worker permission refused
- The Round House redesign of garages only grant permission
- 58 Bayford Green single storey side extension following refuse permission now appeal- appeal dismissed
- River Lodge, Lower Hatfield Road single storey side and rear extentions permission refused
- 8 Broad Green part 2 storey / part single storey rear extension, new front porch permission granted
- Burrowfield Lower Hatfield Road variation of s106 agreement to modify site boundary withdrawn
- Kingfisher Nursery change of use from nursery use to dog hydrotherapy clinic ongoing
- 36 Bayford Lane erection of single storey rear and side extensions and alterations to existing porch revised plans ongoing
- Riverside Garden Centre erection of a horizontal close boarded fence 3.2m high with a 580mm timber planter to the front - ongoing
- Calves Grove,White Stubbs Lane unauthorised change of use of land for residential purposes and siting of caravans for residential purposes appeal lodged against enforcement proceedings
- 6.0 Correspondence
- 6.1 Safer East Herts magazines have been received and were distributed to all present and the remainder to be put in the village hall. JF
- 6.2 Hertfordshire Building Preservation Trust newsletter and details of photo competition have been received these were given to JF to be put on display in the village hall.
- 6.3 Details received of the East Herts Parish Conference at Datchworth on the 10th June. Noted
- 6.4 Letter from Bryan Hammond re the Locality budget for this year. It was discussed that a new fence and gate is needed for the football / playing field at Bayford Green. MW to measure the green and AF to calculate the costs so that we can submit a quote for money from the Locality Budget. MW/AF
- 6.5 Document received re the Secretary of State Direction re Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2007 (update on the 2004 act) Noted
- 7.0 Any Other Business
- 7.1 The village hall AGM is on Thursday 13th May at 7.30pm, there are now 5 people willing to stand for the committee but 1 more person is still needed as per the constitution.
- 7.2 The bus shelter has graffiti that needs to be removed and be repainted with anti-graffiti paint. Bill Brace to look into this and report back to MW. Noted
- 7.3 The drains down Bucks Alley and Bayford Lane are blocked, MW to report this to EHDC for the second time. MW
- 7.4 AF raised the point at the meeting that the constituency boundaries have been changed and that Bayford now comes under North East Herts. This was thought not to be in our best interests. Noted
- 7.5 Caroline Fletcher has asked for help in the church serving teas on Gardens Day. Anybody available to contact her direct. Noted
- 8.0 Date and Time of Next Meeting
- 8.1 Dates of future meetings are as follows :-
28th June 2010 at 8.00pm
27th September 2010 at 8.00pm
22nd November 2010 at 8.00pm
24th January 2011 at 8.00pm
28th March 2011 at 7.45pm Parish Assembly
9th May 2011 at 8.00pm Annual Meeting
All above are subject to the school availability
- 8.2 There being no further business the meeting ended at 9.25pm
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