Bayford JMI School 25th January 2010
Parish Council Meeting
Present:Michael Wainwright (Chairman),Jackie Fulcher, Alan Fitzjohn, Maggie Broomer (Clerk), Linda Haysey + 4 members of the public
Apologies: George William Rowley, Bob Orme
- 1.0 Minutes of the previous meeting
- 1.1 Read, item 2.5 should read rail spacing not step spacing, item 5.7 should read footpath opened following these changes all agreed and signed.
- 2.0 Matters Arising
- 2.1 Litter bin now purchased from County Supplies. The bin is frequently full and the bin bags should be collected by the EHDC. The graffiti needs cleaning off the bus shelter - AF has some chemicals to do this.
- 2.2 Village sign and posts now ordered AF to collect and the total cost was £441.82. Noted /AF
- 3.0 Planning
- 3.1 58 Bayford Green Single storey side extension Refused
The Vicarage Construction of tennis court with fencing and change of use of existing paddock Ongoing
Tudor Manor White Stubbs Lane Create grooms living accommodation in roof space and erect 4 no. loose boxes, hay store and tack room Ongoing
Stopping up of highway at Bucks Farm now passed at the Hertford Magistrates court on 11.01.10. Following several concerns from residents in the village MW explained that this did not affect Bucks Alley but was a very old right of way now not used and overgrown
- 3.2 MW has submitted the form to the War Memorials Trust for a grant and today sent photographs of the damage now made worse by the recent frosts to the War Memorial.
- 4.0 Finance
- 4.1 The interim accounts were read out and presented to the councillors.
Community Account - £5567.70
Business Premium Account - £2,772.88
Business Reserve Account - £827.61 (10p interest)
- 5.0 Any Other Business
- 5.1 The annual village litter picking day has been set at Sunday March 21st. MW to e-mail the parish magazine and notify George Rowley.
- 5.2 It was discussed the possibility of a new notice board for the bus stop. A wooden carved one was suggested.
- 5.3 JF explained about the poor financial situation of the village hall particularly now with the loss of the Badminton Club which has closed. Table tennis is to start on Thursday evening and needs to be supported.
- 5.4 Details have been received from East Herts Fund for the Future, Herts Preservation Trust newsletter, HCC The Future of Hertfordshires Waste leaflets for all the councillors, EHDC Draft Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report Comments needed and this can be viewed on line and Community Development Agency newsletter/annual review and form for subscription which was agreed.
- 5.5 LH gave details of a Community Sports Network Meeting which is organised by the Herts Sports Partnership to help fund sports activities.
- 5.6 Traffic Calming Mr Yucelt at HCC has been very helpful. Traffic calming is evaluated on a system of points and at present Bayford is a very low priority.
David Sitwell then addressed the meeting with various ideas, firstly to write to all residents for their approval and help in trying to get 20mph around the school area, 30mph to be extended to Bayford Lane and Brickendon Lane. Clearer signage, leafleting of all passing cars and residents, a web site, car stickers plus police involvement. DS to set up a meeting with Mr Yucelt and MW and also to speak to the police with these proposals. BAG has money to spend on this campaign. LH suggested a petition of at least 30 signatures to be submitted to the Local Member Panel Highways. Then a survey will take place and this has to happen before any action can happen. Evidence needs to be documented of all minor incidents with it being logged to the police.
TH added that he was aware of a nearby village with locals getting training to use speed cameras. The offending cars do not get penalty points but a warning letter. LH said that a speed camera could be bought and shared among several villages.
At the next Locality Meeting in 6-8 weeks LH will raise about a speed camera as a priority in Ashendene Road.
- 6.0 Date and Time of Next Meeting
- 6.1 Next meeting is to be the Parish Assembly on Monday 26th April 2010 at 7.45pm at Bayford JMI School and is open to members of the public.
- 6.2 There being no further business the meeting ended at 9.25pm
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