Parish Council Meeting

Bayford JMI School, Parish Assembly, 29th June 2009

Present: Michael Wainwright (Chairman), Alan Fitzjohn, Bob Orme, Jackie Fulcher, George William Rowley, Maggie Broomer (Clerk) + 3 members of the public

Absent: None received
1.0Minutes of the previous meeting 
  Read, all agreed and signed Noted
2.0Matters Arising 
2.1 The cricket pavilion cost £144,000 to build, copy of the current insurance to follow. Noted
2.2 The ownership of the war memorial is still unknown. Noted
3.0 Planning. 
3.1 The planning application for ‘The Stables’ is being discussed at an EHDC DC Committee meeting on 1.07.09. Concern was voiced as to whether the EHDC councillors were still against the increase in pitch size. As the plot size is not being increased it was questioned whether it could support 5 pitches. In addition, moving the entrance up Bayford Lane was classified as dangerous. MW has been informed that he would not be allowed to speak at the meeting, as it was not a planning application. David Sitwell to e-mail Rob Jamieson (solicitors) for guidance BAG would be willing to provide any support that is required. AF to speak to William Ashley. AF
3.2 Current Planning Applications :-
The Stables – Notification of public inquiry 25th – 26th August 2009
22-24 Well Row – Single storey garage with games room – Grant Permission
Bucks Farm – Barn for Hay etc – Grant Permission
Calves Grove, White Stubbs Lane – Use of land for 7 permanent and 5 mobile containers + 2 caravans - withdrawn
Church Cottages – Single storey orangery to NE elevation – Grant Permission and Grant Listed Building Consent
The Round House – Single storey and 2 storey rear extensions, infill extension and relocated entrance – Status Ongoing
20 Well Row – Change of use of land from grazing to garden – Status Ongoing
Bayford Hall Cottage, 37 Bayford Lane – Demolition of garage and canopy to be replaced with single storey extension and new garage – Status Ongoing
4.0 Finance. 
4.1 The interim accounts were presented to the councillors and were approved. Current Account - £3,697.00 Other 2 accounts unchanged Noted
4.2 Since last meeting payments were made to: -
John O’Connor x2 Grass Cutting - £504.00
Allianz Insurance - £617.00
4.3 The completed audit has been sent off to BDO Noted
4.4 A reminder invoice to be sent to the Wilsons - 1c Broad Green Wood Noted
5.0 Any Other Business. 
5.1 EHDC ARC Briefing (Alternate Refuse Collections) – briefing at Little Berkhampstead on 15th July, details on notice boards – Bayford residents welcome. Noted
5.2 Society of Local Council Clerks – day course on Risk Management on Monday 20th July at Theobalds Park Hotel, open to chairman, councillors and clerks. Noted
5.3 Annual Playground Inspection – by EHDC at a cost of £48 taking place in next 2 weeks, MB to arrange. Noted
5.4 MB reported to the meeting that on Sunday 7th June the bus replacement service for First Capital Connect, (FCC) was again incorrectly using Bayford Lane. Accordingly, an e-mail was sent to FCC. Noted
5.5 It was raised at the meeting about horse and cart racing which took place through the village on Sunday 28th June; the police were called as it was classed as dangerous to any other road users. The police have confirmed they will monitor the situation. Noted
5.6 Bill Brace reported that there were now 3 new kissing gates on footpath no.1; footpath no. 2 now has an obstruction across it – due to escaping horses Noted
5.7 Bill Brace has asked for paint/oil for the benches. AF to supply this AF
5.8 A litterbin is still needed by the bus shelter. MW to do some investigations AF
5.9 A new village sign is still needed on the exit road towards the station. BO and AF to look into this. BO AF
6.0 Date and Time of Next Meeting. 
6.1 A new village sign is still needed on the exit road towards the station. BO and AF to look into this. Noted
6.2 There being no further business the meeting ended at 8.55pm Noted