Parish Council Meeting

Bayford JMI School, Parish Assembly, 24th November 2008

Present: Michael Wainwright(Chairman), Alan Fitzjohn, Bob Orme, George William Rowley, Jackie Fulcher, Maggie Broomer (Clerk), + 2 members of the public

Absent: Linda Halsey
1.0 Approval of Minutes  
1.1 The minutes of the previous parish council meeting held on 6th October 2008 were read and confirmed except item 6.2 which should read Lubbick Fine are auditors not accountants. Noted
2.0 Matters Arising

Litter picking – Angela Turner has tended her resignation. A new volunteer is needed aged over 18, for 2 hours per week at a payment of £5.63 per hour. An advertisement is to go in the parish magazine and a new job description to be written. A fluorescent tabard will be provided by GWR. MW

3.1 Several e-mails have been exchanged and a meeting has taken place between MW and Dean Chiltern. He has offered to pay for replacement fencing and following a recommendation from Mr Walduck, a company in Much Hadham will be used to  supply the fencing.. The new fence and gate will be 2m high. The big oak tree at the bottom needs pruning together with clearance of several branches on the ground. Peter Musk to remove at a cost of £450.00. A fence is falling down and AF and MW to inspect this and for the time being the playground will remain closed. The rubber mat needs cleaning. MW/AF
Dean Chiltern has also offered to buy the playground, but it was felt that if he moved it would be difficult to return ownership to BPC. The PC were not in favour although it was felt a generous offer. GWR suggested a joint trust but queried whether Dean Chilton would be prepared to lock the playground every night at dusk.
4.0 Planning

MB read out an up to date status list of current planning applications which are as follows:-

  • A single storey side extension at Church Cottages - Ongoing
  • 4 extra pitches + entrance change at The Stables, Bayford Lane – Ongoing, a copy of the original letter sent to EHDC + additional paragraph re the entrance to be sent again to EHDC
  • Erection of a conservatory at 9 Broad green Wood - Ongoing
  • Single side storey extension 28 Bayford Green – Grant permission
  • Change of use of paddock to provide extension to existing garden The Vicarage – Grant permission
  • The Stables, Bayfordbury, original application was refused but stables have now been erected and because they are on skids and not concrete they do not need planning permission.
5.0 Correspondence  
5.1 Letter received from Hertfordshire Building Preservation Trust re their AGM on Thursday 27th November 2008 inviting any councillors wishing to attend. However, the offer was declined. Noted
Letter received from EHDC Standards committee with ballot paper for 4 candidates. No action taken. Noted
Document from EHDC re a transport report. Noted
Letter received from Government Office re ‘Codes of Conduct for Local Authority Members.’ Noted
6.0 Finance & Admi  

Account Balances: -

  1. Community Account  - at 24th Oct. - £3417.00
  2. Business Premium Account: - at 9th Oct. - £2,768.23
  3. Business Reserve Account: - at 7th Nov - £825.07
  4. The interim accounts were presented to the councillors and were approved.
  5. Since last meeting payments have been :-
  6. 22.10.08 – D.Latham - £600.00
  7. 28.10.08 – EHDC- £56.39
  8. 28.10.08 - Grass Cutting - £164.50
  9. 11.11.08 -           “           - £ 82.2513.11.08 – A.Turner - £337.80
6.2 BDO – audit dates for next year are at the latest 11.05.09. Some of the notes from the BDO report were discussed. Payments need to be minuted under appropriate headings. An invoice of £176.25 from BDO has yet to be paid Noted
6.3 It was decided to keep the precept payment for 2009 -10 the same as this financial year at an amount of £4100.00. Noted
Any Other Busines
Bayford Railway Stn – a charge for car parking has now been enforced by First Capital Connect and this has resulted in parking on the road, verges and in the bus stop. Karen Broad our PCSO reported that 1 car had already been broken into. It was felt that the charge of £2.50 was unreasonable if the car park did not have lights and security cameras. KB to follow up the possibility of yellow lines along the road and in the bus stop. MB to write to the head of highways re our concerns on behalf of the council. MB
GWR reported that the bus shelter needs repair and the Bayford sign from the station needs replacing. MW to investigate. MW
MW attended a Brickendon PC meeting and is going to look into the possibility of bulk oil purchasing for those that would be interested in Bayford and individuals buying ‘Eco Eye’ which monitors the amount of electricity used in a house. It costs £5.00 to join and £30 – 40 for the device. MW
7.4 KB informed the meeting that the Herts Police are going to be running ‘locality meetings’ from the police station and a councillor would be welcome to attend – GWR volunteered. 1st meeting in January date yet to be confirmed. Noted
GWR informed the meeting that this weekend there would be several sessions to clean the school ponds. Volunteers welcome to the most popular session 1- 4pm this Sunday 30th November 2008 Noted
Bill Brace stated that as many of the footpaths and stiles need attention he has drafted a letter to EHDC. Planning permission is not needed for a stile but these are technically not allowed now because they are not suitable for the disabled. No progress with the footpath through Bayfordbury yet. Noted
The benches on the village green need cleaning and painting. BB offered to do this if BPC provided the materials. Noted
KB reported that there have been 2 burglaries in the area recently, one in Well Row yesterday. She asked that everyone be alert and report anything suspicious. All at meeting asked to inform others in the village.
Date of Next Meeting  
There being no further business the meeting ended at 9.40pm. Noted

The date of the next regular meeting is to be Monday 26h January 2009 held at Bayford JMI School at 8.00pm

Dates of Future Meetings are as follows:-

6th April 2009 at 7.45pm – Parish Assembly

27th April 2009 at 8.00pm – Annual Meeting