Bayford Parish Council

Chairman: Dr M Wainwright, 1B Broad Green Wood, Bayford


Minutes of the Parish meeting held on Monday 23rd April 2007.


Present:             Cllr M Wainwright (MW)

                        Cllr J Fulcher (JF)

                        Cllr G Rowley (GR)

                        Cllr  A Fiztjohn (AF)

                        Cllr R Callaby (RC)

                        Miss B Wainwright (clerk)


Apologies :             Cllr L Halsey (LH)


MW welcomed everyone to the Annual Meeting of the Bayford Parish Council


1 Election of Chair

JF proposed MW, AF seconded this proposal. No other proposals were made. MW was elected as chairman of Bayford Parish Council for another term or 4 years.


2 Minutes of the previous meeting

Minutes of the meeting 29th Jan 07 were read and signed with the following amendment;

The title of the meeting should read ‘Minutes of the Parish Meeting held on Monday 29th January 2007’ not as stated.


3 Matters arising

a) There are a number of weeds growing in the bark area of the playground.

Action: AF to spray and pull up weeds as appropriate.

b) RC did not stand for re-election in the Parish Council elections. Bayford PC would like to thank Rodney for his practical support and advice over the last 12 years and hope that he will continue to be involved. Only Bob Orme additionally stood for the Parish Council and therefore the five nominees were elected unopposed. Michael Wainwright, Jackie Fulcher, Alan Fitzjohn, George Rowley, Bob Orme.

c) Helen Golding has resigned for the position of Parish Council clerk. Becky Wainwright is standing in until the post can be filled permanently. MW has written to EHDC to inform them of the change of address for correspondence.

d) Due to lateness of paper work being available there were no planning or finance matters to bring forward.

Action: MW to check paper work and bring any relevant matters to the next meeting.


4 Footpaths and Stiles

a) The top rail on the stile behind Kirks house is too high. This top rail is now broken and needs making safe.

Action: AF to contact Barry Nicholls.

b) The stile behind Ash Spinney also has an unsafe top rail.

Action: AF to contact Mr Sherriff as the stile boarders his land.

c) The ownership of the permissive footpath from Broad Green Wood through the Bayfordbury Estate is still unclear. University of Hertfordshire own the section from Broad Green Wood to the end of Hooks Grove. Beyond that it is unclear whether the land is owned or leased by Wilson Properties.

Action: MW to contact University of Hertfordshire and Herts County Council regarding their position.

Action: AF to discuss his findings with MW.


5 Correspondence



6 Planning Applications



7 Cheques to be issued



8 Any other Business

a) AF confirmed that Mr Turner had finally received his cheque.

b) East Herts DC contacted MW regarding actions required on village pond. There is a dispute as to who is responsible for clearing the sump as although the pond belongs to the Parish Council they did not build the sump and also the sump collects surface water for the highway. This is an ongoing matter which needs resolving as the sump needs to be cleaned regularly

Action: MW to contact East Herts DC to inform them that Bayford PC will clear the current blockage. This will allow the water level in the pond to drop and then East Herts DC should clear the sump.

Action: MW and AF will clear the current blockage.

c) Bayford PC is again grateful to Claire Smith and her helpers for tending to the rose triangle, it looks lovely again.

Action: MW and clerk to write a letter of thanks to Claire Smith

d) Mary Samulak has requested that a larger litter bin be provided by the bus shelter and that it should be on the outside of the shelter.

Action: MW to source a larger bin.

e) Dog foul on the Bayford Green and Church Lane is becoming nuisance. An additional dog poo bin was requested to be placed by the entrance to the football pitch.

Action: MW to investigate if an additional bin will be emptied and how to go about installing it.

f) Village litter picking will take lace on 20th May at 10am.

Action: GW will arrange suitable kits and provide a pickup for the morning.

Action: JF will contact people who were willing to help last time.

Action: MW will produce and display some notices for the parish notice boards and if necessary put some through letterboxes.

g) Concern was raised about the height of the ‘mountains’ at Waterhall. GW had attended a liaison meeting on this and had been informed that there is little Bayford PC can do until the site is finished. Then a complaint could be raised to the County Council regarding the height if necessary.

Action: GW to pass relevant correspondence to MW.

h) Concern was raised regarding the over grown trees at Rumbles Hump.

i) JF requested a copy of the electoral register.

Action: clerk to provide JF with requested register.

j) The matter of whether Jesmond Cottage is part of Bayford PC was raised again.

Action: MW to establish which Parish Jesmond Cottage lies in.


8 Date of next meeting

8pm on 9th July 2007 at Bayford JMI School.

Agenda items to the Clerk by 25th June 2007.

Notices to Councilors and notice boards posted by 2nd July 2007.