Chairman: Dr M Wainright, 1b Broad Green Wood, Bayford
Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 21st November 2005.
PRESENT: Cllr M Wainright
Cllr G Rowley
Cllr J Fulcher
Cllr R Callaby
Mrs H Golding (Clerk)
2 Residents of the village
APOLGIES: Cllr A Fitzjohn
The minutes of the meeting held on 12th September 2005 were read and signed as correct.
Rose Plot
Thanks go to Clare & Bob Smith, Marilyn Trevan, Helen Golding, Melanie Outram and Michael Wainright. It was generally thought the flowerbed should be kept to just roses. Clare has pruned them back and the team removed unwanted shrubs and trees. Vehicles have encroached onto the grass area surrounding the flowerbed and this needs to be built back up and turfed over. The question of bollards to be erected at each point of the triangle was raised but there are height restrictions and safety issues.
Village Sign
Thanks to Neville Hudson for the donation, John Brocklehurst for liaison with Alpha Signs and Alan Fitzjohn and Rodney Callaby for erecting the sign. It will need to be included in the insurance at approx £2000
.Maintenance Issues
Peter Musk to do work in playground; delay because of a bad back.
A tree has fallen near the pond and other trees need pollarding, also get an appreciation of works required along Ashendene Road. Michael Wainwright will ask Peter to quote.
Bus Shelter roof is being progressed by Richard Golding and should be completed within the next couple of weeks.
Bus shelter could also do with being swept regularly Helen Golding to speak with Tanya Turner (Litter Picker)
Some villagers have requested a dog bin be supplied. Helen Golding to arrange this.
10 Broad Green – Single Storey Side and Double rear extension
Home Farm – Change of use of Barn - Bach Flowers (1st application)
Home Farm – Change of use of Barn - Bach Flowers (2nd application)
Riverside Garden Centre – Part Change of use of land to Bistro, retrospective new canopy to seating area
St Mary’s Church - Disabled Toilets
Mulberry Lodge – Extension to propose Manager Accommodation
Granted – St Mary’s Church - Disabled Toilets
Wreath 16.50
Village Hall (Vat) 331.94
R Turner (Grass Cutting) 910.00
T Turner (Litter Picking) 98.56
EHDC (Litter Picking) 262.05
EHDC (Precept) 1562.00
Application for next years precept is due discussions were held on the amount and was eventually agreed to be 5% increase.
Neville Hudson mentioned he will give the parish £600 toward the village sign and £1000 toward work on trees from the Bayford Gardens Day this year.
Grass Cutting
It was decided to apply for additional quotes this year to make sure it is still competitive and the Parish is receiving value for money. Areas are : - around Pond, Football field -Bayford Green, Willow Corner by sign & Playground.
Nine acre field is still for sale – no news to report
The Parish Council received a letter from EHDC asking for donations towards play schemes it was decided not to participate.
A letter to Highways re the potholes in the road along Bayford Lane - to progress.
The meeting was closed at 9:00 Michael Wainwright thanked those present for attending.
DATE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETING Monday 23rd January 2006
Future Meetings:-
Parish Assembly 27th March
Annual Meeting 10th April