Bayford JMI School 17th June 2013
Annual Meeting
Present: Michael Wainwright (Chairman), Alan Fitzjohn, Bob Orme, Jane Honeyman, George Rowley, Maggie Broomer (Clerk) and 3 members of the public.
- 1.0 Apologies
- 2.0 Minutes of the previous meeting
- 2.1Minutes of the previous meeting were read, signed and agreed by all the councillors.
- 3.0 Matters Arising
- 3.1The track access from Robert Sheriff's field onto the lower end of Bayford Lane is now overgrown.Noted
- 3.2 The new village sign has arrived and AF to erect it in the next couple of weeks.Noted
- 3.3 MW is still awaiting a response ioghways re the salt/ salt bins. The salt bin by the church still needs to be moved.Noted
- 3.4 The bridleway track alongside Ashendene Road is nearly completed now.
- 3.5 The village hall centenary lunch was very successful and well supported.
- 4.0 Finance
- 4.1Payments since last meeting
Paul Curson : March, April May £150.48
John O'Connor - April £145.20
" - May £145.20
Harry Stebbing (Village sign) £636.00
AON (insurance) £699.88
At 31.05.13 Current account balance is £6230.87
Litter Picking payment received £670.80 (£6.45 per hour)
Peppercorn rent from Cricket Club received £30.00
It was questioned whether this amount should be increased and that a councillor should attend the AGM every year.Noted
- 5.0 Planning
5.1 Full permission for external alterations to the Science Learning Centre at University of Hertfordshire, Bayfordbury : granted
Full permission for temporary caravan at 39 Ashendene Road, Bayford : status ongoing
Householder Application for replacement outbuilding at 2 Tudor Manor Cottages, White Stubbs lane, Bayford : status ongoing
Full permission to demolish existing building and replace with dwelling following previous approval at Place Farm, Bayford Green, Bayford : status ongoing
Householder application to raise garage roof to provide ancillary storage room at The Vicarage, 26 Well Row, Bayford : status ongoingNoted
- 5.2 All councillors have been asked to respond to every planning application by email to the clerk.Noted
- 6.0 Any Other Business
- 6.1 There are now cameras at the station but not sure whether they are for surveillance or to act as a deterrent.
- 6.2 Proposed Quarry at Broad Green : petition still to be done but legal advice is being sought re the wording on it. No date been set yet by county office to review all the data. New survey report questions whether Bunkers has been overfilled : work has at present stopped.Noted
- 6.3 Apparently the new broadband contract has been given to BT.Noted
- 6.4 Large gravel lorries have been seen going down Ashendene Road to Brickendon Lane direction : destination unknown.Noted
- 6.5 Terry Hayne reported that the war memorial still needs to be repaired.Noted
- 6.6 It was noted that the trees on the cricket field come under cricket club maintenance.Noted
- 6.7 There are still the occasional rail replacement coach but new signs are to be erected giving drivers the direction they should be travelling when leaving Bayford station.Noted
- 6.8 Clerk's Notices
Renewal of Herts Building Preservation Trust subscription of £20.00
Annual Playground Inspection has been arranged with EHDC to take place in the next few weeks at a cost of £55.86
Separate Paper and Recycling Collections : during October 2013 every property that currently uses a black and brown bin will receive a new black bin with a blue lid for cardboard, tetra pak, glass, plastic cans and foil. Green and blue boxes will cease and the blue box will be used for paper recycling only. Details to be sent out to all residents in August.
Countryside Management Service : newsletter received.
- 7.0 Schedule of Future Meetings
Monday 17th June : Parish Council Meeting at 8.00pm
Monday 23rd September : PCM at 8.00pm (changed to 30th September)
Monday 18th November : PCM at 8.00pm
Monday 20th January : PCM at 8.00pm
Monday 24th March : Parish Assembly at 7.45pm
- 8.0There being no further business the meeting finished at 9.20pm
Signed........................ Date:..............