Bayford JMI School 22nd April 2013
Annual Meeting
Michael Wainwright (Chairman), Alan Fitzjohn, Bob Orme, Jane Honeyman, George Rowley, Linda Haysey, Maggie Broomer (Clerk) and 8 members of the public.
1.0 Apologies
1.1 None
2.0 Election of Chairman
- 2.1 Mike Wainwright was prepared to stand for another year.
Proposed by AF,
Seconded by:- GR
No other nominations, carried unanimously.
3.0 Minutes of the previous meeting
- 3.1 Minutes of the previous meeting were read, signed and agreed by all the councillors.
4.0 Matters Arising
- 4.1 The track access from Robert Sheriff's field onto the lower end of Bayford Lane occurred when the field was rented out for shooting. This has now ceased but apparently RS has declined to put a tree trunk over the entrance.Noted
- 4.2 The new village sign has been paid for and should arrive in the next couple of weeks.Noted
- 4.3 MW is still awaiting a response from Derek Twigg of Herts ioghwaysHighways re the salt/ salt bins.Noted
5.0 Review of Parish Assembly
- 5.1There have been speakers in previous years but both Bryan Hammond and Herts Highways did not respond to requests to attend in view of the topical subjects.
- 6.1The financial statement for the year April 2012 - March 2013 was presented to the councillors. They were agreed and signed off by the Chairman.
There were however several explanatory notes relating to :-
No VAT payment in this year
Memorial Hall benefited from a donation decided by the councillors at the meeting on 19th November 2012 to help with fees and repairs needed in setting up the pre- school.
A new oak village sign at one of the entrances to the village. The first order was cancelled money refunded.
Arboreal services - substantial work needed to trees surrounding village pond in order to make the area safe.6.2Charity account and business saver account - no change.Noted
- 6.3A quote has been received from AON re our insurance. The policy has decreased to £691.08 a saving of £27.75. It was agreed to renew with AON again this year.Noted/MB
- 6.4The audit commission form sections 1 accounting statements and section 2 annual governance statements for 2012-13 were duly filled in by MW and MB and signed and dated by both. This will now be forwarded onto David Sitwell our internal auditor again this year together with all the relevant paperwork. The councillors had in the previous financial year reviewed all the criteria (no change this year) as to the suitability of DS as our internal auditor.Noted/MB
- 6.5MB reported that the new home bonus has been increased to £1354.00 for this financial year and feedback is required by EHDC as to where each council spends the money.Noted
- 7.1
Renewal of full permission for renewal of previous application to include alterations, infill extensions, relocated entrance and new access, extension, replacement garaging. Amended scheme following approval for redesign of garages only - The Round House, Ashendene Road, Bayford - status granted.
Single storey side extension - Keepers Cottage, Stocking Lane, Bayford - status granted.
Single storey rear extension - 11 Broad Green Wood, Bayford - status granted.
Change of use of barn and single storey extension to form residential dwelling - Denzil's Barn, Lodge farm, Epping Green - status refused - now appeal logged.
Temporary siting for a caravan for use by farm manger pending construction of 1 and 2 Penny Royal - Bucks Farm Ashendene Road, Bayford - status granted.
Section 106 agreement set up in 1985 and 1987 re Kingfisher Nursery / Burrowfield has now been discharged.
Planning Application for the demolition of existing library and training buildings and the construction and operation of a recycling and energy recovery facility at New Barnfield, Travellers Lane Hatfield for Veolia - Public Inquiry - status ongoing
Two storey front extension, replacement roof and associated alterations - The Directors House, Bayfordbury, date of informal hearing 12th June 2013 at EHDC offices.
Removal of Onerous Condition 7 (restricting the occupation) of coach house converted into a 3 bedroom residential unit - 32 Ashendene Road Bayford - status ongoing.
7.2 It was queried by BO as to what Section 106 and Onerous Condition 7 are. MW to contact the relevant planning officer to find out the answers to these 2 queries. All councillors were in agreement that the Coach House must not be sold separately to The Grange.
8.0 Any Other Business
- 8.1 Yellow lines - latest update received today now shows on the map only the zig-zag lines to be painted on the road. MW to reply to Herts Highways and Bryan Hammond with the council's approval but still with a lack of parking and questioning what the spare land by the garages is to be used for. The planned yellow lines in the layby at the station would allow for dropping off and waiting for a short time.
- 8.2 Proposed Quarry at Broad Green -there is not a formal application submitted yet, reports state that 450,000 tons of sand and gravel are to be excavated. There is a liaison committee meeting Tuesday evening and GWR is attending as one of the representatives from Bayford. An Action Group is being set up in Bayford and the new work is expected to take 5 years at a time when all other work at the quarries is due to end by 2017. Concerns were raised re the number of lorry movements on the B158 currently and especially with the new proposed work. Photos have already been submitted to Paul Nielson showing the problems associated when 2 lorries or more meet. The restoration process is being examined. This new application is being named as an extension when it fact it is a new application. It was discussed refunds that may be necessary to raise for legal advice and the BPC fully supports this. At the recent 1st meeting at Paul Nielson's 21 people attended. It was noted that Robert Sheriff only owns the surface of the field not the gravel underneath.Noted
- 8.3 The rail replacement buses have again been a problem using Bayford Lane, MB in communication with Jackie Jones of First Capital Connect who is being very helpful. Hopefully this will be shortly resolved.
- 8.4 Paul Barham of ‘The Directors House' has been in contact with MW re his appeal with the planning dept. due to take place shortly..
- 8.5 AF asked about the current closure of the B158 and where the diverted route was as a number of lorries have been seen using Bucks Alley which is totally unsuitable.
- 8.6 GWR commented that parking on the road / verge at the Willow Corner pond was spoiling the area but MB pointed out that there is nowhere else for the residents to park as there were insufficient parking spaces allocated. It was suggested erecting a fence but with room for cars along the road.Noted
- 8.7 The drains down Bayford Lane are full of gravel and weeds but HH will not respond to emails that MW is sending. MW to chase.MW
- 8.8 An email has been received giving an update from Dawn Grocock re the new bridleway along Ashendene Road. Amount of money to be donated by BPC has yet to be decided, MW to contact to finding out the total spend.MW
- 8.9 The salt container needs to be moved by the churchyard.
- 8.10 Colin Taylor reminded all present of the centenary lunch in the village hall on Sunday 19th May.Noted8.11The contract for grass cutting has again been given to John O'Connor for the coming year.Noted8.12An update re Broadband been sent out by Oliver Heald - given to GWR.Noted8.13Other correspondence received:-
Oliver Heald - re villages wanting visible police presence - new draft Police and Crime Plan
Draft Parks and Open Spaces Strategy 2013-18 - any comments re e-mail sent out
Hertfordshire Building Preservation trust - Newsletter
Draft Statement of Community Involvement n- any comments from e-mail sent out.
Localism and Standards - A toolkit for Parish Councillors now available online for all
9.0 Schedule of Future MeetingsMonday 17th June - Parish Council Meeting at 8.00pm
Monday 23rd September - PCM at 8.00pm
Monday 18th November - PCM at 8.00pm
Monday 20th January - PCM at 8.00pm
Monday 24th March - Parish Assembly at 7.45pm
10.0 There being no further business the meeting finished at 9.55pm
Signed........................ Date:..............