Bayford JMI School 25th March 2013
Parish Assembly
Michael Wainwright (Chairman), Alan Fitzjohn, Bob Orme, Maggie Broomer (Clerk) and 9 members of the public.
- Apologies
- 1.1Jane Honeyman and Linda Haysey
- 2.0 Introduction by the Chairman2.1The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.
- 3.0 Chairman's Report
3.1 The Pre-School continues to progress and thrive. It is now well established, and has the complete complement of children. The fabric and fixtures of the hall continue to require expenditure, as befits a building of this age. As mentioned before, as a result of this use and the commitment of the Memorial Hall committee, the fabric has been further renovated. This is the centenary year of the Memorial Hall and the committee has organised a Centenary Lunch on the 19th May. The PC is happy to provide continuing support to the Memorial Hall.
Tree surgery has required considerable expenditure during the year. A willow tree fell down last year and was found to be completely hollow. Fortunately, neither persons nor property was damaged. This triggered an inspection by Peter Musk, who found that all the trees were in need of pollarding and a further tree felling. An additional tree near the bench was also found to be rotten. We need to decide in consultation, what to do with this area. A large diseased ash tree in the playground also required felling. The verge along Ashendene Rd require attention. The pond requires attention this year. It is both black and silted up.
The issue of waiting restrictions has also occupied this Council. A meeting between Hertfordshire Highways, EHDC and the School Governors and staff approximately 18 months ago. At this meeting it was agreed that the zig-zag markings should be reinstated either side of the current school entrance. They were formerly by the disused pedestrian entrance. However, an engineer at Hertfordshire Highways presented a plan late last year which involved placing yellow lines along the whole extent of Ashendene Rd where there is footpath. We and others protested. Just last week, a revised plan has been presented, which involved yellow lines on one side of the road.
Waiting restrictions at Bayford Station are also proposed.
The outfall of the village pond has also received considerable attention, for which we are grateful to Alan. We need to decide how to handle this long term.
The Rose Triangle is also a subject about which decisions need to be made.
Litter picking - excellent work by Paul Curzon continues to keep the area within the 30mph zone looking neat and tidy. Problem with emptying bin/collecting the rubbish. This has not been resolved in spite of numerous telephone calls by myself and others to EHDC.
The gravel company has revived the plan to extract gravel behind Broad Green. This will require discussion. This plan was previously refused. The extraction and reinstatement of Pollards and Grubbs is nearing completion.
The state of all the roads within the parish has been again a subject of much frustration. The accumulation of gravel at the bottom of Bayford Lane has not been cleared in spite of very many complaints. The precise nature of the plans for Bayford Lane remains unknown, partly due to the change of management/contractors at Hertfordshire Highways.
We are grateful to Alan for the repair of the playground equipment and also for salting Bayford Lane during the icy period. The promised 1 tonne of salt did not materialise in spite of repeated reminders by Maggie and myself.
We are awaiting the delivery of the new village sign. The contractor who we initially engaged appeared to go bankrupt. Robert Eyley, who made the new notice board in making a new sign.
The plan to make a bridleway along the verge on Ashendene Rd nears completion. We are grateful to dawn Grocock for managing this scheme. We have agreed to donate some money towards the cost.
Rail replacement buses are continuing to use Bayford Lane despite a letter being written to the MD of First Capital Connect
- 4.0 Any Other Business
- 4.1 Ashendene Road - Yellow LinesDavid Sitwell reiterated the general opinion that the parish were opposed to the yellow lines but in support of the zig-zag lines. At the station there should be waiting times of up to 30 mins allowed instead of no parking at any time.
GWR said that parking is one of the biggest problems for the school. He asked if a feasibility study has been done by Herts Highways - re the problems. Yellow lines are not needed in the village and will be unattractive. The brownfield site at back of houses and near to the garages/school would make a good 'green' car park.
Terry Hayne said a developer using EHDC land and the existing garages wants to build potential social housing. There is a similar situation in Brickendon where there was a meeting recently to discuss this. He also added that the school is not operating every day of the year but the parking restrictions would be in force 365/6 days of the year.
Colin Taylor spoke to Lance Holman of HH and he suggested the hall/ pub as alternative parking areas but these are definitely not available. He agreed brownfield land a possibility.
A site visit will be requested.
Jan and Dave of the Baker Arms pub are going to talk to McMullens re their concerns of proposals to use their car park.
It was suggested we ask to see the report that Bryan Hammond/ HH has re the parking.
It was also questioned what work is being done to Ashendene Road commencing 22nd April.
Further letter to be sent to Bryan Hammond with the comments from this evenings meeting and copy to Linda Haysey.Noted/MW
- 4.2 Bayford Lane - potholes were filled recently. Closure to the road due to take place sometime up to March 2014 - no details known. Gravel on the road at the bottom of the lane is yet again to be reported. Many of the drains in the roads around the village are blocked.Noted
- 4.3 It was agreed the pond at Willow Corner looks better now it is opened up. Further maintenance is needed to some areas but they are owned by EHDC. The pond was last dredged in 1974 and it needs redoing and the outflow pipe needs clearing. The EHDC needs to be contacted to remark the car park opposite the pub and possibly to have herringbone parking on the other side of Willow Corner which would mean a lot more parking available and take away the need to park alongside the pond. It was raised whether under 'Health and Safety' we should have a fence alongside the pond and a lifebuoy displayed.Noted
- 4.4 Proposals for a quarry at Broad GreenFrank Lyons who has bought Water Hall quarry has a legal right until 2020 to excavate gravel under Robert Sheriff's field by Broad Green. It would take 3-5 years but realistically a lot longer. The work would be 75m from the nearest house and as a result of this an action group is now being formed to hopefully have the support of the whole village. Photographic evidence of the lorry movements along the B158 is being requested from anyone who is a passenger in a car travelling along this road. Already dust and noise pollution is a problem for the residents. The bunkers are changing the landscape and are going forever higher. DS has offered to set up an action group using the 'Bayford Action Group' that is already set up..
- 4.5Village Clean Up - poor turnout but thanks to all who came. Fly tipping is still occurring in the village area. CT has asked if in future it could be a Saturday or Sunday pm. Rubbish collected to be put in future in the pub yard and not on the village green.
- 4.6 CT thanked the BPC for their support re the Pre-School.
- 5.0 Date and Time of Next Meeting
- 5.1 Next meeting is the Annual Meeting on Monday 22nd April 2013 at 8.00pm
- 5.2 There being no further business the meeting ended at 9.30pm.