Bayford JMI School. 4th February 2013
Parish Council Meeting
Present: Michael Wainwright (Chairman), Alan Fitzjohn, Bob Orme, Jane Honeyman, Maggie Broomer (Clerk) and 7 members of the public.
- 1. Apologies: George Rowley and Linda Haysey
- 2.0 Minutes of previous meeting
- 2.1 Minutes of the previous meeting were read, signed and agreed by all the councillors.
- 3.0 Matters Arising
- 3.1 Peter Musk to pollard the trees round the pond at Willow Corner and some of the trees in Ashendene Road between Bucks Alley and White Stubbs Lane following a complaint.
- 3.2 AF spoke to Robert Sheriff re the new access track onto Bayford Lane and he said it was only ever meant for horses/riders and he will put a tree truck across it at the top to stop vehicles using it.
- 3.3 Letter of thanks received from Colin Taylor re the pre school donation.
- 3.4 Letter of thanks received from the British Legion re the poppy wreath donation.
- 4.0 Planning
- 4.1
Conversion of garage to games room and ancillary accommodation White Cottage, White Stubbs Lane, Bayford status ongoing.
Replacement of garage doors with full length window and construction of roodlights and 3 new windows status permission granted.
Renewal of full permission for renewal of previous application to include alterations, infill extensions, relocated entrance and new access, extension, replacement garaging. Amended scheme following approval for redesign of garages only, The Round House, Ashendene Road, Bayford, status ongoing.
Single storey side extension Keepers Cottage, Stocking Lane, Bayford staus ongoing.
Single storey rear extension 11 Broad Green Wood, Bayford status ongoing.
Change of use of barn and single storey extension to form residential dwelling Denzil's Barn, Lodge farm, Epping Green, status ongoing
Temporary siting for a caravan for use by farm manager pending construction of 1 & 2 Penny Royal, Bucks Farm Ashendene Road, Bayford, status ongoing.
- 5.0 Finance
- 5.1 Payments since 19.11.12
Paul Curson Oct/Nov/Dec £150.48
John O'Connor - October £138.16
John O'Connor - Nov/Dec £276.32
Bayford Memorial Hall £500.00
Friendly Club £50.00
Poppy Wreath / Joy Hargreaves/British Legion £20.00
At 29.10.12 Current account balance is £8200.46
At 28.09.12 Charity account balance is £2777.42
At 26.10.12 Business Saver Account balance is £828.82
We have been advised that the Precept payment has been decided by EHDC to be at £4500.00 for the year 2013/4 however it was decided to leave it at £4100.00 as agreed at the last meeting.
- 5.2 As per BDO's requirements following the last audit the Risk Assessment has been reassessed and several changes made. The Asset Register has had a location column added and Year Acquired changed to Date Acquired and Asset Value to Purchase Cost. Further details have yet to be filled in as some information was not known at the meeting. MB/MW
- 5.3 Bank accounts it was decided to approach Barclays to see if there were better bank accounts for our money to be saved in. The rate of interest in the HIBA is very poor. MW to contact Barclays and MB to approach Nat West to see what they can offer.MW/MB
- 5.4 MB to communicate with the treasurer of BHNCC for our annual peppercorn rent.MB
- 5.5 The yearly VAT returns will shortly need to be submitted MW to do this.MW
- 6.0 Any Other Business
- 6.1 Ashendene Road Yellow Lines as there were 4 parents attending the meeting for the first time MW outlined the councils response to this plan from Herts Highways to everyone. A letter detailing the councillors views was sent to HH in December and at present it is in the hands of Councillor Bryan Hammond to make a decision based on the varying letters/paperwork he has received. This is due in the next month or two. The parents present were totally opposed to the no waiting yellow lines proposed as there would then be no safe place to park to drop off their children. All were agreed that the zig zag yellow lines either side of the private road entrance to the school were a good idea. The parents agreed to email Bryan Hammond with their views in the next few days and will canvass other parents who were unable to attend this meeting to also do the same.
MB to send a second email asking BH or a colleague to come and speak at the Parish Assembly in March. Linda Haysey to be copied into any emails. Noted/MB
- 6.2 Harry Stebbing is currently making the new village sign and MW to ask him to quote for a new 'Residents Car Park' sign opposite the pub. Noted/MW
- 6.3 Rail Replacement Coaches have again noted to be using Bayford Lane. MB to email Jackie Jones of FCC the details of the offending coach as per her request..Noted/MB
- 6.4 AF reported that no salt for the Bayford Lane in particular has been delivered to him by Hertfordshire Highways as requested in our email in September. MW has been chasing Derek Twigg for it but the delay is due to HH now being run by Ringway. Terry Hayne queried whether the bin near to the church has been moved.Noted
- 6.5 The date for the annual litter picking morning has been suggested for the 17th March at 10.30 am pending GWR being available. TBC MW to email GWR. Noted/GWR/MW
- 6.6 BO reported that there has been a spate of fly tipping down Bucks Alley and also 1 incident at Broad Green Wood reported by MW. Noted
- 6.8 MB then read out the following correspondence:-
Herts Building Preservation Trust Newsletter received..
EHDC Corporate Strategic Plan and 2011/2012 Annual Report for Bayford received.
Groundwork Annual Review received given to BO. Noted
- 7.0 Date and Time of Next Meeting
- 7.1 Next meeting is the Parish Assembly on Monday 25th March 2013 at 7.45pm.
There being no further business the meeting ended at 9.35pm.