Bayford JMI School 16th January 2012
Parish Council Meeting
Present: Michael Wainwright (Chairman), Alan Fitzjohn, Bob Orme, Jane Honeyman, George William Rowley, Maggie Broomer (Clerk), and 3 members of the public.
- 1. Apologies
- Apologies received from Linda Haysey.
- 2.0 Minutes of previous meeting
2.1 Minutes of the previous meeting were read, signed and agreed by all the councillors.
- 3.0 Matters Arising
- 3.1The brambles need to be cut back and the willow tree needs pruning around the pond at Willow Corner BO to do in the next 2-3 weeks , weather permitting. BO
- 3.2 The new notice board is currently in David Lathams stables and it needs 3 people to erect it.Noted
- 3.3 Dawn Grocock is attending this meeting to update the councillors on the progress of the new bridleway alongside Ashendene Road.Noted
- 3.4 The 12-15 new tiles needed on the bus shelter are being looked into by Terry Whyman but it is proving difficult to find a match.Noted
- 3.5 Item 4.2.7 meetings are allowed in the pub if no other venue is available.Noted
- 3.6 BO reported that some gully cleaning has taken place on some roads in Bayford Ashendene Road.Noted
- 4.0 Planning
- 4.1 Replacement garage and garden store Ashendene White Stubbs Lane refuse permission.
- Vary condition 2 of planning permission to allow landscaping along front elevation retrospective Riverside Garden Centre grant permission.
- First floor rear extension to The Granary, Bayford Hall Farm, Bayford Lane status ongoing
- First floor rear extension and erection of rear conservatory and listed building consent - 26 Ashendene Road grant permission.
- Full permission for demolition of existing buildings and subsequent development Bayfordbury Campus grant permission subject to 20 conditions.
- Single storey side and rear extensions and internal alterations and listed building consent to 33 Bayford Green permission granted
- Single storey side and rear extension and internal alterations 33 Bayford Green grant permission.
- To approve amended plans showing an increase to the extension of 0.35m 2 Tudor Farm Cottages grant permission.
- Erection of stockproof post and rail fencing, barbed wire fencing and scalpings and dropped curb at entrance ( 2 applications with amended drawings) Land adjacent to Lower Hatfield Road status ongoing. It was queried at the meeting why dropped curbs were needed as this appeared to be inappropriate for a farming field. LH and MW to follow this up with Susie Defoe a planning officer at EHDC.
- 5.0 Finance
- 5.1 Payments since 21.11.11
- Joy Hargreaves - £17.00 (wreath)
- Harry Stebbing - £796.80 (notice board)
- Paul Curson - £97.54 (litter picking)
- At 31.10.11 Current account stands at £5433.51
- Charity account and Business Saver Account no change since last meeting
- 5.2 The Risk Assessment for the year 2011/12 was discussed and it was decided that the only additional item to be added would be to find a new Internal Auditor as David Latham is moving out of Bayford. Apart from this item it was agreed by all the councillors. Noted
- 5.3 It was noted that BHNCC (cricket club) need to be invoiced in April. Noted
- 5.4 MW to claim back the VAT from April 2010 March 2011, MB to provide the invoices. MW/MB
- 5.5 The current insurance policy to be looked at re Public Liability Insurance. MB
- 5.6 A new internal auditor is needed in April 2012 any suggestions welcome. Noted
6.0 Any Other Business
6.1 MB read out the Playground Inspection Report. Highlighted issues as follows:-
- Swinging platform one of the bolt caps is damaged
- Algae growth on the following:- Agility intertwine, Agility stilts, Agility swinging step bridge, Agility twin balance beams, Agility balance beam
- Other bridge is incomplete replace damaged beam
- Gate replace rubber buffer from latch plate
- Wooden bench timber stain in poor condition
- Agility Multi play with slide firemans pole fails grip requirements, weed killer needed on grass around unit, trip hazards at the edges of the impact absorbing surface, head and neck entrapment requirements fail in 3 places.
- Tree canopy overhangs the equipment too low.
- Date to be arranged to deal with algae. Noted
- 6.2 MB reported about the ongoing problems on the 90 degree bend at Ash Spinney. The police, Linda Haysey and Chrissie Jacques Lead Assistant District Manager Hertfordshire Highways and Nigel Poulton chair of the panel covers Highways and EHDC have all been involved. Finally the missing chevron has been replaced and the single chevron after being hit on 13th December is awaiting to be repaired properly.
Further work on Bayford Lane is possibly scheduled in the budget of 2012/13. Noted
- 6.3 Dawn Grocock attended the meeting to do a presentation re the new bridleway alongside Ashendene Road.
Maps were passed round to show the 1st phase along Ashendene Road eventually it is hoped to extend to Blackfan Wood along White Stubbs Lane.
A Highways Safety Audit is needed at Bucks Alley at a cost of approx. £500.00.
The overall cost is approx. £12,000k. BHS Riding club would donate £5000k and the Rights of Way improvement plan depends on budget from March. Groundwork Trust may help with costs but they require higher specs.
GWR suggested proceeding in 3 stages with the easiest section first.
MW said BPC supported the project depending on finances at the time.
DG to report back to BPC when more information becomes available.
MW thanked DG for her presentation and time.Noted
- 6.4 The date for the morning litter picking has been set at Sunday 1st April at 10.30am. Noted
- 6.5 BO questioned the £6000k (accessibility contributions)needed for 12 additional car parking spaces at Bayfordbury under the new planning application. Noted
- 6.6 MW to speak to Susie Defoe EHDC Planning re the land on Lower Hatfield Road.MW
- 6.7 MB raised that Bayford as yet is not commemorating the Diamond Jubilee in June. It was thought a good idea to talk to Charles Lambert to see if a royal connection could be added to the title of Gardens Day later in the month and it was thought a good idea to plant some trees with a plaque to mark the occasion. MB/Noted
- 6.8 Bill Brace has asked for a litter bin between the 2 benches near to the rose triangle.Noted
- 6.9 Mary Samulak has thanked whoever has cleared Church Path footpath. Noted
- 6.10 A risk assessment is to be carried out on the pond and surrounding area at Willow Corner. Noted
- 6.11 EHDC are to pay BPC a new homes bonus , the exact amount is not yet known.Noted
- 6.12 A Hertfordshire Building Preservation Trust newsletter was handed out to each councillor together with a Planning Explained booklet to MW Noted
- 6.13 Interim Neighbourhood Planning Guidance Notes and LDF Q and A sheet post meeting in December also given to MW. Noted
7.0 Date and Time of Next Meeting
- 7.1 Next meeting is the Parish Assembly on March 26th 2012 at 7.45pm speaker yet to be announced but possibly Nicholas Maddox re the new bridleway.
- 7.2 There being no further business the meeting ended at 9.45pm