Parish Council Meeting
Bayford JMI School 27th September 2010
Michael Wainwright (Chairman), Alan Fitzjohn, Bob Orme, George William Rowley, Jackie Fulcher, Maggie Broomer (Clerk) + 5 members of the public
- Minutes of the previous meeting
- Minutes read,agreed and signed. Noted
- Matters Arising
- AF now has the goalposts but has not had time to erect them yet, he will also get chains for the gates. MW to get padlocks.
- EHDC have swept Bayford Lane..The blocked drains in Bucks Alley and Bayford Lane are to be reported to EHDC Highways Dept again.
- The outside of the village hall has been painted. There is still a leaking roof, the rendering needs replacing and the Ladies toilets has a ceiling falling down – 2 of the committee are going to try and repair it. It was suggested the UPVC windows might be better in the future.
- Planning
- River Lodge, Lower Hatfield Road – single storey rear extension – granted
- Riverside Garden Centre – variation of Code 9 which states – the use of the premises shall be restricted to the hours 08.00 – 23.00 Mon – Sat and 10.00 – 22.00 Sun and bank hols, to read the restaurant shall not be open for business from 01.00 – 08.00 – granted
- Calves Grove Wood – unauthorised change of use of land for residential purposes and siting of caravans for residential purposes – public hearing 19th October at the council chamber Hertford.
- Bayfordbury Park Farm – replacement bridge across river on privately owned land - ongoing
- 4.0 Finance
- The interim accounts were presented to the councillors and were approved. The balance in the bank accounts was as follows:
- Current account - £5,375.71
- HIBA account - £827.81
- Charity account - £2773.93
- Since last meeting payments were made to: -
- Paul Curson – litter picking - £146.31
- St Albans Board - £75.00
- Grass Cutting - £1285.00
- CC bin - £82.19
- CDA - £30.00
- The audit for BDO is ongoing. Noted
- Any Other Business
- JF reported that on behalf of the village hall committee the cheque from Charles Lambert re Gardens Day money needs to be returned as it is payable to the wrong account. The village pre-school group are looking to relocate from the school, an approach has been made to use the village hall for 15 hours per week – this is being looked into.
- The rubbish that Paul Curson has bagged up is waiting to be collected by EHDC from beside the bus shelter. MW to chase this up. David Sitwell asked about the area litter picking takes place and MW replied it is only within the 30mph signs. Noted/MW
- Annual Playground Inspection – by EHDC has taken place – a report of their findings was read out by MB. Trees in the playground have been recommended to be pruned, BO and AF volunteered to carry this out. BO /AF
- A new litter bin for the playground has been ordered. Noted
- LDF meeting to take place in Brickendon Village Hall on Tuesday 19th October at 7.30pm – looking at options for 10,000 homes in East Herts, transport, green belt, together with gypsy and traveller strategy now there is a change of government. Noted
- There is now a campaign by EHDC to stop ‘Dog Fouling’ - information cards were handed out at the meeting. MB to contact the Linda Last the EHDC officer for more information and about how to get a regular patrol. MB
- Land Registry form has been received, MW to complete this. MW
- GWR spoke about a company in the area able to upload a faster speed for any home run business anyone interested to contact ‘Vtesse Networks.’ Noted
- Bill Brace thanked Gill Finlay for her help in with the ‘Rose Triangle‘ and then Terry Hayne thanked BB for organising keeping it tidy.
- It was noted that the PCSO’s are now targeting several roads in the area with a speed camera and there is a ‘Community Speed Watch’ trialling in North Herts at the moment – more details on the internet. Noted
- Date and Time of Next Meeting
- Next meeting is to be on Monday 22nd November 2010 at 8.00pm at Bayford JMI School.
- There being no further business the meeting ended at 9.25pm