Parish Council Meeting

Bayford JMI School, Parish Assembly, 29th June 2009

Present: Michael Wainwright (Chairman), Alan Fitzjohn, Bob Orme, Jackie Fulcher, George William Rowley, Maggie Broomer (Clerk) + 3 members of the public

Absent: L.Haysey
1.0Minutes of the previous meeting 
  Read, all agreed and signed Noted
2.0Matters Arising 
2.1Thanks to Bill Brace for painting the benches, there are still 3 older benches that need treating before the winter. BB to deal with these Noted
2.2MW still researching a replacement litter bin to be installed by the bus stop. EHDC will part pay for a new one. MW
2.3 Bayford Village Sign – Bryan Hammond (local councillor) has expressed an interest via the ‘Locality Budget’ at HCC into possible financing of a new sign. MB has submitted a completed form to County Hall – awaiting response. David Sitwell asked if it was possible to add ‘Please Drive Slowly’ to all village signs. Local residents would finance the sign in Ashendene Road. Noted
3.0 Planning 
3.1 Current Planning Applications:
  • The Stables – Granted Permission. Costs are a separate application
  • 22-24 Well Row – Change of use from agricultural land to residential. Construction of children’s playhouse – Refused Permission
  • Bucks Farm – Stopping up of highway – Status ongoing#
  • Calves Grove, White Stubbs Lane – Use of land for 7 permanent and 5 mobile containers + 2 caravans – was withdrawn but now given certificate of lawful use or development
  • The Round House – Single storey and 2 storey rear extensions, infill extension and relocated entrance – Granted Permission
  • 20 Well Row – Change of use of land from grazing to garden – Refused Permission
  • Bayford Hall Cottage, 37 Bayford Lane – Demolition of garage and canopy to be replaced with single storey extension and new garage – Refused Permission, appeal now submitted
  • 36 Bayford Lane – Erection of 2 storey and single storey rear extension with new dormer window, single storey side extension and alterations to existing porch – Refused Permission
  • 33 Ashendene Road – New front porch – Status Ongoing
  • Bayfordbury Observatory – Erection of radio telescope, 3 satellite dishes, brick built hut and underground cabling – Granted Permission
  • Riverside Garden Centre – Replacement garden centre, retail and restaurant building, and new sewage treatment plant – Recommendation that permission be granted
  • Mulberry Lodge – Conversion of existing B & B accommodation to a single dwelling with new porch and chimney – Status Ongoing
  • Following the planning applications being read out, Diana Cook local resident adjacent to Riverside Garden Centre spoke at the meeting concerning her issues with this planning application. MW stated that at this stage there was not a great deal that Bayford Parish Council could do to change the way this has been dealt with. Her comments were noted.
  • Long Meadow Stables – a letter has been received by MW from the current owner asking for support to have the covenant lifted so that the house could be sold separately to the stables due to personal reasons. An approach has been made to EHDC. Opinions were divided among the councillors. MW to report back to the owner.
4.0 Finance 
The interim accounts were read out to the councillors.
Community Account - £4,490.97 at 28/08/09
Business Premium Account - £2,772.53 at 30/06/09
Business Reserve Account - £827.40 at 28/07/09
Payments: -
John O’Connor Grass Cutting - 01/07/09 - £252.20
St Alban’s Board of Finance – 29/07/09 - £75.00
John O’Connor Grass Cutting - 02/09/09 - £504.40

EDF - £5.75
Bayford Cricket Club - £30.00
EHDC Litter Picking - £585.19
Dr Wilson - £258.50
HMRC VAT - £241.84
4.3 It was noted that under new rules the village hall can’t reclaim VAT but can instead claim gift aid. Noted
5.0 Any Other Business. 
5.1 The annual transport progress report received from EHDC was given to BO to read. Noted
5.2 Herts Building Preservation Trust subscription was agreed to be paid at a cost of £20.00. Noted
5.3 Annual Playground Inspection – the report now received was discussed and the observations were:- The MultiPlay equipment does not comply with the requirements of the current applicable standard. - The item fails to meet the requirements for head and neck entrapment in the barriers and between the steps. - Cut branches back and remove any dead branches. MW to speak to Gemma Kiff re the above inspector’s notes. Noted
5.4 EHDC are running 2 Parish and Town Council Planning Information on 28th Sept. and 7th October. No councillors were available. Noted
5.5 Despite an advert in the Parish Magazine there is still no interest in the job of ‘Litter Picking’ in the village. Noted
5.6 GWR went to a meeting recently as Water Hall / Southfields quarries are up for sale. There is a problem where there has been 200,000 tonnes overfilling. The surrounding villages would support proper landscaping i.e. Pond and natural environment. 2014 is the planned completion of the quarry on the Bayford Lane side. Noted
5.7 Bill Brace reported that already the 2 kissing gates on Footpath No.1 are loose.Date and Time of Next Meeting Noted
5.0 Date and Time of Next Meeting. 
6.1 Next meeting is to be on Monday 23rd November at 8.00pm at Bayford JMI School.
6.2 There being no further business the meeting ended at 9.15pm