Parish Council Meeting

Bayford JMI School, Parish Assembly, 26th January 2009

Present: Michael Wainwright(Chairman), Alan Fitzjohn, Bob Orme, Jackie Fulcher, Maggie Broomer (Clerk), + 4 members of the public

Absent: Linda Halsey, George William Rowley
1.0 Approval of Minutes  
1.1 The minutes of the previous parish council meeting held on 24th November 2008 were read and confirmed except item 4.1 which should read River Lodge, not The Stables. Item 7.3 the item is free if joining the scheme which is not yet available in Bayford. Noted
2.0 Matters Arising

Litter picking – Robert Mudd has agreed to take over the job. A written job description is needed together with EHDC info. MW/MB

3.1 The fencing has now been ordered together with the posts for the fence by the road. Peter Musk has yet to start work on the trees due to the inclement weather. MW to clean the rubber matting after all other work has been completing. MW/AF
4.0 Planning

MB read out an up to date status list of current planning applications which are as follows:-

  • A single storey side extension at Church Cottages - Approved
  • Entrance change plus 5 pitches for mobile homes, The Stables, Bayford Lane – Refused by councillors after being approved by EHDC planning dept.
  • Erection of a conservatory at 9 Broad Green Wood - Approved
  • Amended planning application, 6c Broad Green Wood, Ongoing.
  • Two storey rear extension 22 - 24 Well Row, Approved.
  • Concerns by the councillors re colour of bricks at 1a Broad Green Wood complying with the original submitted plans.
5.0 Correspondence  
5.1 A letter has been received from the Highways Dept re parking at Bayford Station stating that they are unable to help at present due to workload. It was suggested that MB write to First Capital Connect re lighting and security cameras and to contact transport dept of EHDC re yellow lines at the bus stop. Noted
Two letters have been received from residents in Bayford Lane re large lorries using this road during the night and can the PC do anything to stop this. It was discussed and MB to reply explaining that the council need index numbers or at least the company name before the polioce or EHDC would be able to proceed.
LDF bulletin received - BO to study it.
Herts Building Preservation Trust newsletter was circulated.
Communities - 'Code of Recommended Practise on Local Authorities' received.

Letter from 'Stop Stanstead Expansion' received asking for a donation - this was declined.

6.0 Finance & Admin  

Account Balances: -

  1. Community Account  - at 28th Nov. - £3417.00
  2. Business Premium Account: - at 7th Dec. - £2,768.23
  3. Business Reserve Account: - at 8th Dec- £825.07
  4. The interim accounts were presented to the councillors and were approved.
  5. Since the last meeting payments have been :-
  6. 13.01.09 - Joy Hargreaves - wreath for Rememberance Sunday, £16.50.
  7. 14.01.09 - BDO £176.25
6.2 An extraordinary meeting to be held on 9th March 2009, to discuss the comments from BDO on our Annual return. A copy of the report was given to each councillor. MW to check the school hall availability and whether David Latham is willing to act as our auditor again. Risk Assessment - this was distributed and discussed. Third parties should be entered under individual heading and not under Assets.. The document was approved.
6.3 It was decided to keep the precept for 2009 - 10 the same as this financial year at an amount of £4100.00. The form has been received from EHDC and was completed and signed at the meeting.
Any Other Busines
A talk by 'Watt Watchers' has been suggested at the Parish Assembly.
Date of the annual Litter Pick was agreed as 23 March 2009, subject to agreement from GWR.
Bill Brace confirmed still no response with the footpath through Bayfordbury. No 1 footpath top rail sorted. Bill is going to approach EHDC. BB asked AF to contact Mrs Hudson re two stiles needing attentionon her land. MW is still awaiting a reply from Gino Sorenti re stile near Ash Spinney.
7.4 Bill Brace said that the benches on the green need to be treated with teak oil preservative. He also asked for a larger litter bin by the bus shelter. Noted
Date of Next Meeting  
There being no further business the meeting ended at 9.15pm. Noted

The date of the extraordinary meeting is to be Monday 9th March 2009 held at Bayford JMI School at 8.00pm

Dates of Future Meetings are as follows:-

20th April 2009 at 7.45pm – Parish Assembly

27th April 2009 at 8.00pm – Annual Meeting