Chairman: Dr M Wainright, 1b Broad Green Wood, Bayford

Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 27th November 2006.


PRESENT: Cllr M. Wainright

Cllr J Fulcher

Cllr R Callaby

Cllr A Fitzjohn

Cllr G Rowley

Mrs H Golding (Clerk)

Apologies Linda Haysey



The minutes of the meeting held on 11th September 2006 were read and signed as correct.


The Playground safety check has been done. The weeds around the equipment and seating areas need attention Alan Fitzjohn to deal. Helen to Speak with Trevor Waldock EHDC re the requirements for the climbing frame slide. Bark to be replenished in the Spring.

The Rose Triangle The Council thank Claire Smith and her volunteers for their work on the Rose Triangle. Clare purchased a few more Roses to replace those that were in a poor state.

Dog Fouling and Litter a request for a new larger litterbin and dog fouling signs has been made to the County Council.

School Ponds A grant has been applied for and the outcome should be known by May. If successful the work will be completed as a whole. If unsuccessful they will continue as originally planned with Phase 1 etc

Grass Cutting EHDC wrote to confirm they will not take our offer of cutting the grass behind the railings as their contractors are cheaper. Helen to speak with Mr Turner to let him know not to continue cutting that area.

Cricket Club – Michael Wainright to arrange an informal meeting to move things forward.

Long Meadow Stables A letter was received from the new owners of the property apologizing for the misunderstanding with their workmen and the clearing of brambles on Parish Land. Michael explained history and problems with previous owners and whilst in principle it appeared simple to let them maintain the area it must be understood the Parish will always retain ownership of the land. The Councillors agreed that a little tidying of the area would be acceptable especially removing the dead Elms etc and perhaps replacing them with new indigenous species. Everyone was in agreement that the countryside look should be maintained and not urbanised. It was agreed that the way forward was to organise a work party to clear some of the brambles and dead Elms on 13th January 07 10:00.

Old Vicarage Lorna Chilton wrote to the Parish Council re the ant social behaviour in the playground. Michael Wainright spoke to Lorna, Helen checked the playground on receipt of the letter no evidence of any major vandalism, but need to keep a regular eye on the area.



Ibex Grove - Side Front Ext Dormers in Roof Double Garage


The Vicarage – Various amendments to existing house, extension and conservatory

Riverside Garden Centre - Caravan


Keepers Cottage relocation of conservatory

4 Broad Green Wood Double rear/side extensions

Bayford Hall Farm Replacement Stables

Wychwood 1st Floor Ext

White Cottage 1st Floor Extension over existing


Cheques Issued – None

Receipts Precept £1604.00


Michael Wainright received a letter from Bill Bryce concerning the stiles at the footpath by the Auymayers/Nichols property the height of the stile has been raised making it difficult to climb over. The regulations state there should be another step. Alan to speak with Gordon Nichols.

The Donation toward the wreath is to be increased to £20

NHS Cuts – It is difficult to ascertain exactly what the NHS are proposing – it was generally agreed if they are not proceeding ith a new hospital in Hatfield the QEII must be upgraded.

The meeting was closed at 8:45pm. The Chairman thanked those present for attending.

DATE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETING Monday 29th January 2007 8pm