Chairman: Dr M Wainright, 1b Broad Green Wood, Bayford

Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 11th September 2006.


PRESENT: Cllr M. Wainright

Cllr J Fulcher

Cllr R Callaby

Cllr A Fitzjohn

Cllr G Rowley

Cllr Linda Haysey

Mrs H Golding (Clerk)



The minutes of the meeting held on 10th July 2006 were read and signed as correct.


The Playground safety check has been done and the report will be sent shortly, it will also be available on the web.

The Rose Triangle requires a little more work, Helen will speak to Clare Smith re organising a work party. The Rose Triangle ownership was mentioned and Michael Wainwright confirmed it was not owned by the Parish Council.

The village roads have now been resurfaced and Helen has requested Highways collect the now redundant cardboard speed signs that are littering the hedgerows.

Dog Fouling and Litter a request for a new larger litter bin and dog fouling signs has been made to the County Council.

VAT must be reclaimed two years worth

School Ponds George Rowley has been investigating the clearing of the ponds. He has spoken with Tim Hill, Conservation Manager, Herts and Middlesex Wildlife Trust. Three site visits have been made and a contractor has issued a quotation for the works breaking the job down into stages.

Cricket Club

Complaints about vehicle parking have been received from residents living near the cricket ground. Bayford Nondescripts lease the ground from the Parish Council for a peppercorn rent. It appears that the cricket club have been holding some fund raising events in the club house which finish quite late and can sometimes be noisy. Michael Wainright wrote to Mr Nichols who replied that Neville Hutchinson would like to reply in person. The Councillors felt that the fundraising events should continue but need to be regulated in order to not cause distress to the residents.



1. 9&10 Broad Green – Single Storey side Extension Double Storey Rear & Conservatory

2. 8 Broad Green Single Storey rear Extension

3. White Cottage 1st Floor Extension over existing

4. The Vicarage – Various amendments to existing house, extension and conservatory

5. Keepers Cottage relocation of conservatory

6. 4 Broad Green Wood Double rear/side extension


1. Bayfordbury House Conversion to 5 Separate Homes

2. 9 & 10 Broad Green Wood

3. Bayford Hall Farm

4. Mullbery Lodge

Broad Green: Concern about porch being built at No 2 – no response from Planning yet


Cheques Issued – R L Turner – Grass Cutting - #1152

St Albans Diocese – Playground - #50

Receipts - Neville Hudson #1000 re Gardens Day Donation

Precept due


Annie Willoughby-Richards raised the subject of the noise and smoke pollution from the quarries. It was suggested by Cllr Haysey that the softly softly approach would work better than quoting the "book" at them and it would be best to collect data first: - dates, times, smells, noise, duration of problem etc.

Helen mentioned the problems that the residents of Broad Green Wood were having with regard to the County Council and the exorbitant quotation for works to correct a collapsed drain. A number of Project Managers have become involved all expecting their cut which the residents are expected to pay for. The work has not been put out to tender and no good answer has been received explaining why not. Helen has also had difficulty obtaining a list of approved contractors – the Council say they cannot give this information out. Cllr Haysey has offered her help and support if required to try and push thing along.

Terry informed all who were present about the new drainage pipe work at the church.

Terry also mentioned that perhaps advertising a little more about the work the Parish Council does might generate more interest in the meetings etc.

The meeting was closed at 8:45pm. The Chairman thanked those present for attending.

DATE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETING Monday 27th November 2006 8pm