Chairman: Dr M Wainright, 1b Broad Green Wood, Bayford

Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 12th September 2005.


PRESENT: Cllr G Rowley

Cllr J Fulcher

Cllr R Callaby

Cllr A Fitzjohn

Mrs H Golding (Clerk)

2 Residents of the village

APOLGIES: Cllr J Fulcher


The minutes of the meeting held on 18th July 2005 were read and signed as correct.


Licensing Laws

Simon at the Baker Arms Public House has spoken with George Rowley concerning the approval of the licensing hours, and local village residents concerns. They do not intend to have extended hours and if it were the case for locals only, shutting the doors at 11:00 then extended time only for people already present. They are able to stay open until midnight now because of their residents but do not. In the last 5 –6 years in business he has never had a c0mplaint re noise and hopes his record will continue. Simon would be happy to discuss with any residents their fears in the hope he can put their minds at rest.


Mark Prisk added his weight as MP at the liaison meeting about 3 days ago. SQ were present. Chairman of the liaison committee is now chairman of the County Council Brian Hammond. Reconfirmed planning permission was not granted for recycle-shed 90x90m.

It was confirmed by the County Council it will be following recommendations of report re sites in the area.

Nine Acre Field

The negotiation for a syndicate to buy the land appears to have fallen through. Signs have been erected which would suggest the land is for sale to anyone in the general public.

Village Hall VAT

After a year of investigations it has been decided to allow the village hall to claim vat on half what they claimed for originally. For future reference the Village Hall committee may only reclaim VAT on purchases for repairs and materials not for anything that may concern a fund raising or entertainment event.

Details for reclaim of VAT is now required for this year.

Rose Plot

No one has come forward with offers to help with the maintenance of the Rose Plot.

Village Sign

To be erected on the land near bench, behind the Rose Plot. Michael Wainwright to find out when it is convenient for rev Pauline, probably when a service is held at St Mary’s and book the date.

Bayford School Sign. There appears to be some confusion as to the agreement to share the same post as the village sign to erect a sign for the school. There was generally felt at this meeting that this would be inappropriate and that Michael Wainright will investigate Bayford School’s intentions.



Barn to be used for preparation of Bach Flower Remedies at Home Farm


Katie Neilson approached Michael Wainwright with regard to her intention of applying for planning permission to extend to the side and back of house in Broad Green.



T Turner Litter Picking £ 44.80

Receipt VAT Reclaim £ 449.98


County Livery

George Rowley raised the issue of the posts on the Parish Verge and that having written a letter to Mr Stokes re the removal of the posts the work should be followed up.

School Parking

It was agreed a meeting would be set up with members of Bayford School Governors etc to discuss the issues of parking.

Mrs Swain has reported that the ponds near her are beginning to smell and that some urgent remedial work should be undertaken.

Much discussion then took place as to whether it was a protected area for the great Crested Newt and the best way of tacking the issue without incurring exorbitant amounts of money.

It was agreed that George Rowley would look into the licensing issues with DEFRA and the possibility of grants from Countryside Management and or BIFFA.

Environmental issues with SQ/ Skinners

Anne raised the matter of the light and smell pollution coming from the above companies’ sites. A long discussion ensued, it is understood they have no licence to burn and that any "smoke" should actually be white steam. Evidence would be required i.e. photographs, recordings of noise levels and diary dates etc for at least six months. Anne was happy to take this under her wing as she has vast experience in environmental issues and will draft a letter re licences etc for the Parish Council. Also mentioned was the use of this land for bikes and scramblers and the environmental concerns this raised.



The meeting was closed at 9:12 Michael Wainwright thanked those present for attending.

DATE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETING Monday 21st November 2005


Future Meetings:-

23rd January 2006