Bayford Parish Council

Meetings of the Parish Council

All parishioners are invited to attend.

Meetings of the Parish Council generally take place in the Memorial Hall on Monday evenings starting at 8pm Notices advertising the date and time of meetings are displayed on the Bus Shelter noticeboard and at Broad Green Wood approximately one week before the date of the next meeting.

The Parish Assembly. The meetings start at 8pm. The Chairman will give an account of the previous year's business. Parishioners are invited to ask questions and raise any matter of interest. Wine or Tea and coffee will be served after the meeting.

The Annual Meeting. The Chairman is elected for the coming year. Otherwise this is a normal meeting of the Council.

Archived 2008-2019 Minutes
Archived 2004 - 2008 Minutes

Agenda items may be raised with any member of the Council. The deadline for agenda items is two weeks before the date of the meeting.

Notices to Councillors and notice boards must be posted one week before the date of the meeting.

All parishioners will be welcomed to the meeting. The public may speak at the meeting, by invitation of the chairman, on matters about which they have special interest or expertise. Members of the public are always invited to raise any item of concern or information at the end of the meeting.